Sunday, November 30, 2008

Favorite Moments...

Instead of some big long post about the Thanksgiving break, how 'bout we wrap it up nicely with a list of all my favorite moments from the past 5 days...(and with Friday's post! ha!)

**Getting to spend extra time with Kevin. We had all day Thursday and until 5pm on Friday.
**Looking through old family photos at Kevin's house from when he was little. I will have to post some later this week! I love old pictures!
**Getting a hug from my Mom when Kevin and I stopped in to see her on our way back to John 3:16.
**Playing sequence with Kevin's parents (even though we lost this time - totally my fault!) Rematch at Christmas!!
**Making our Christmas card photo...coming to a mailbox near you soon! :-)
**Sitting in a restaurant alone with Kevin and just talking.
**NO papers to grade!!!
**Getting into a whip cream fight at the family gathering with my cousin, Tanner. (although, I don't recommend this as it ruins whatever clothes you were wearing!)
**Going with my peeps to see Four Christmases after the family gathering. It was predictable but funny. I love me some Vince!!
**Last, but certainly not least, getting to laugh, hug, hold hands, talk to Kevin for 3 out of the past 5 days!!


Becca B. said...

Sounds like you had a good holiday. I really want to see Four Christmas's as well.

Anonymous said...

Woman, you mentioned Kevin six times in your "thankful" post. You are soooo in love, aren't you??? I am so happy for you guys. Things are really working out and I know you are just counting the days until Kevin is back home permanently. It won't be long now!

Lori said...

Hee-hee! I didn't realize it until you said that, but well, he was the best part of my Thanksgiving. And, I already love him for better or worse! :-)