Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Old friends...

Kevin & I have been friends for as far back as I can remember! When we were much, much younger, we went to church together in Newport & of course elementary school. We briefly tried dating when we were 16, but I was too young to appreciate a good guy back then! :-) But, we stayed best buddies & even ended up in Fayetteville together. I would say that was when we were the closest friends ~ he probably would too b/c somehow back then he had me suckered into doing his laundry! ha! Lots of good memories ~ He helped me entertain Bubby one spring break when Bubby came to Fayetteville to try out the college life! Remember that?

After I moved to Little Rock, we drifted apart. But, he was one of those friends that no matter how long you went without talking, when you ran into each other, you just picked right back up where you left off ~ no awkward stuff!

Life is funny sometimes & after a few years of no contact, it has put us back in each others lives. And we are having a blast! :-)

Hope that answers some of the email questions I've gotten! LOL!


Anonymous said...

He seems very sweet. and so handome!

Anonymous said...

This pic of you says it all - you look so happy! I am so happy for you. Some things are just worth the wait!


Lori said...

Most definately! I am happier than I've been in a loooong time!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you, Lori. Kevin is a great guy. I'm still waiting for him to cook mexican for us!

Kevin, tell the truth, is that first posting from you??? Tee hee.


Lori said...

HA! Busted!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori i love the picture uf you and your new boyfriend he looks sooooooo nice and he's a cutie too!!!

[aka] Shontel!!!