Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Shed that Dad built...

Dad came on Friday after he got off work (about 4 or 4:30 in the afternoon) and we got right to work. Progress for day 1 doesn't look like much, but we have a very unlevel backyard and had to get it level. So, Friday night, Dad and I got the tedious part out of the way:
Saturday (day 2), we had more help. Kevin and my neighbor both helped us or rather helped Dad. I kept everyone in liquids - it was HOT! - and tried to anticipate which tool they would need next...Dad is awesome! We had the frame built and floors done in no time. Then we moved on to the walls.
Check out what it looked like by the end of day 2: (PROGRESS!)
Day 3 (Sunday) was the hardest part in my opinion and absolutely nothing that Kevin or I have any knowledge in at ALL! Kevin had to work and my Dad wouldn't say it, but I'm sure he was tired of working with us novice home improvement folks who really don't know what we are doing (ha), so he went and got my Bubby! The two of them spent all day doing the roof. And, they did a great job b/c last night it poured and no leaks! :-)
Day 4 (Monday), Dad and I got up and basically all we had left was the door...Kevin and I will finish up the trim and paint it to match the house once I am done with school...so here she is for now ~ what do you think? I love it!!
On Monday, we let Kevin do what he does best and cook for everyone that helped. We had everyone back over for lunch and promised the work was done so they would show! ha! How do you like that "stick" he found to keep the fire stoked?
And, the ribs were DELICIOUS!
A huge thank you to everyone that helped and a BIG, BIG thank you to my Dad! You are the best!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute! I'm impressed by you all.

Lindsey said...

Oh the shed is awesome!! Can I get one for Kenny to live in hahah??

Lori said...

I said I was going to get a sign for it that said "Kevin's dog house"...ha!

Tasha said...

Good job on the shed and the food looks yummy

Anonymous said...

Aren't Dads awesome???! It looks fantastic!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Don't forget to put a little chicken wire or some other type of gadget around the bottom of the shed so that you don't get critters living under there!

Laski said...

Wow!!! Look at all that awesome work!!!

Nothin' like a job well done (or almost done, anyway).