Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!

I am so grateful that I had a young Mom! I know I didn't realize how cool you were at the time, but I do now.
I am grateful for all that you did for us and gave us. We may not have been rich, but we didn't want for anything. You let us have guinea pigs, birds, ferrets, dogs, and eventually cats and horses ~ not all Mom's would do that! That doesn't even include the above ground swimming pool (remember that?), the pool table when we moved to the country, and the speed boat and camper that we lived in all summer. Camping with family and skiing all summer are some of my favorite childhood memories. Thank you for that! You gave me my love of animals and camping ~ for that I will always be grateful!!
How in the world you stood me during my teenage years, I will never know...but I am glad that you did and we are past those years. I just hope my future kids do not pay me back someday - ha! I did not understand why you were so strict, and as an adult, now I know and understand. It is a scary world to let your kids loose in...we just don't see it when we are young. Thank you for being strict - even though I didn't like it at the time.
Thank you for just being you and always there. I am sorry that you have to worry about me and Bubby so much even as adults. But, that is what makes you a great Mom! And, we love you for it!!
Thanks for the Hot Springs trips to the races every year...the concerts (I think every concert in my entire life has been with you except maybe two or three - ha!), thanks for your taste in music too!...thanks for being such an awesome grandma to Autumn...thanks for being my Mom!
Love you heaps!!


Lindsey said...

Oh your mom is so cute!! You are both so blessed to have each other:)

Laski said...

Oh, what an awesome tribute!!!

You and your momma are dolls!!!

la bellina mammina said...

What a lovely tribute...I can see where you get your good looks;-)

Anonymous said...

Thank God for wonderful Moms!! What a touching tribute, Lori.

Tasha said...

how sweet! Your mom sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

Your mom is a saint! She had to be to put up with those ferrets!! I will never forget them. Hee Hee.
Love ya! Amy (twin #1)