Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend Stuff

Friday night, Kevin and I headed to Pine Bluff to watch our old high school play them in football. Let's just say - if Kevin and I ever ask you to go to a football game, save yourself and say NO! We have horrible luck with football games! Once we drove into a tornado & as we got there,they were cancelling the game and heading for cover!! Well, Friday, it was lightning really bad, and I thought they would call it. Kevin is the optimistic one and kept saying,"No we are driving away from the storm - think positive!" ha! As soon (and I mean less than a minute after we paid to get into the game), they announce a 20 minute delay of game due to the weather. About 10 minutes later, they come on and say - "EVERYBODY to the gym NOW! There is a major storm heading our direction!" GREAT!!! We headed to the gym, and it was crazy! So, I decided I was going to the car ~ let the storm carry me away in the car! ha! Soon after getting in the car (which I noticed most Newport folks took the same route as we were walking to ours), a huge thunderstorm hit! We sat in the car in a storm for probably 30 minutes....then it cleared and the game did start. However, the weather switched on us and went from warm to freezing and the wind blowing! LOL! I tell you - if we ask, just say no! In good news, the Newport greyhounds beat Dollarway. This made Kevin extremely happy b/c the years he played for Newport, we always lost to Dollarway!

Saturday was another football day ~ only indoors!! yeah!! I went shopping that morning with the girls b/c Kevin was in FULL sports mode! I think the grill was going by 9 am!! So I took a break and went to this warehouse sale that had scrapbook supplies 90% off!! That's right - 90% off!!! Now, that is something to get excited about! :-) I got a ton of stuff for $20!!! Then had a good lunch at Izzy's. We watched the game that night & I actually paid attention to most of it! ha! GO HOGS!

Sunday was spent Christmas shopping at the new stores in Bryant. I am almost done!! yippeee!!! I only have my Dad and a few things for my niece left!! Any good Dad gift ideas?

And I have to give a shout out to one of my favorite peeps, Laura. She got engaged Saturday night!!!! :-) It could've happened to a more deserving person! Yeah Laura!! I'm so happy for ya!


Anonymous said...

wow Lori - you weekends are starting to resemble Scott's. You guys wear me out just reading them. Thanks for the tip of not joining you to football games.


Anonymous said...

watch out! Any more suggestions that I'm some sortof psycho football fan and you may just find yourself without an invitation!

Lori said...

9 am griller - you are clever! But you know you are a crazed Razorback fan!! Don't try to deny it! I think you woke up calling the hogs Saturday! :-)