Tuesday, March 10, 2009


*Warning: I am getting some venting done here so I don't explode on someone...so you have been warned. And as an aside, you all crack me up when I vent and then I get all the emails saying "was that about me?" HA!

For the most part, I am a very non-confrontational person. This has its positives and negatives. I let things build and build sometimes and then it only takes that one little thing to just finally push me over the edge. Not liking to cause conflict can often cause me to bite my tongue or "let things go"...until one of my BFF's is within earshot and then they get an earful. ha! I can sugar- coat anything to keep a situation from becoming heated...and again my BFF's usually get to hear the HEATED version when I vent later! You get to hear today!

People really need to keep their opinions to themselves about how they think other's should live their lives UNLESS they are asked for their opinion. Do NOT pretend you know what it is like to be me or judge my decisions on anything until you have walked a day in my shoes!!!! As far as Kevin & I are concerned, no one has ANY idea what all we have been through except us! I am the one who has had to deal with his alcoholism face-to-face. He lived with me, so I know first hand what it was like when he had been on a binge. I know what it was like to watch him not be able to even focus his eyes or hold his head up. I know what it is like to have to shut the bedroom door and leave him passed out in the floor because I can't lift him. I know what it is like to hear him crying out my name in the middle of the night for help. ME! NO ONE ELSE!!!! So, do not judge me or tell me what I should do with my life. I am a big girl and have been fiercely independent since the age of 18, so far I think I've managed just fine. I could go on and on about the affects of alcoholism and how it not only affects the person doing the drinking - but that isn't the point. Let me also say that everyone else gets involved the day after the binge....that day is a cake walk compared to the rest. That day is full of remorse and promises to do better. That day is full of all the things you want to hear. NOW, all that is in the past. The past is the past. Let's just leave it there. My point is...until you have actually walked in my shoes and seen what I've seen and felt what I've felt...DO NOT TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD AND SHOULDN'T DO!!! And certainly, do not judge me for a decision I have made. I am 36 years old and can make any damn decision I want. If it is the wrong one, I, and I alone will deal with the consequences. It won't be the first time I've made a mistake and it certainly won't be the last.
You know Kevin & I have both grown a lot over the past 6 months. But it has not been an easy walk. We have had struggles. Some that only he & I know about. We have overcome. Together. With Love. Do not try to tell either one of us how we should act about anything. If one of us isn't all cheery one day or wants things done a certain way or makes a decision that WE are happy with, then support us or quite frankly shut-up! This is not a time for anyone to be throwing rocks or telling anyone how to live their lives. Worry about your own. I am willing to bet you have problems of your own hiding in your closet. So, as my kids at school would say "MYOB" - mind your own business!

Whew...I don't know about ya'll but I feel a lot better...my keyboard, however, just took a beating! And, yes I went around the world to just say MYOB! :-)


Laski said...

"I am 36 years old and can make any damn decision I want. If it is the wrong one, I, and I alone will deal with the consequences."

Say it and say it loud!

I'm with you 100%. Good for you for not playing doormat!

Becca B. said...

You go girl! Get it all out there!!! I will pray for you to have patience in dealing with these people and that God just gives you peace with you own decisions, and helps you to block out others negativity!

Lindsey said...

MYOB sums it up girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard a new saying you can use "keep it cute or turn it on mute".

Lori said...

Ha - I like that - may even use it at school!

Anonymous said...

...uhhh...was this about me? LOL

People who try to run your life are just bored with their own. If you can't make your own decisions by now then there's no hope for you anyway! LOL I think lots of time people are jealous of other peoples happiness so they try to find the negativity in it. Try not to let them get to you. Only you know your heart and your dreams and the other people really do just need to...MYOB!! Besides, what kind of person would you be if you could just stop loving someone because of their flaws? Alcoholism is a disease, just like cancer or diabetes. If you left Kevin because of cancer or diabetes then these same people would be talking trash about you for that. What's the difference? They need to shut up and let you guys be happy. (Sorry, I wrote a book!)